Tuesday 25 December 2012

Lets talk about ADSVERTISEMENT

Ads sometimes really annoy us especially on Youtube. So tired viewing the same ads on Youtube before can watch what we really want to watch.

But do know once you click the ads, the person who make the ads get money. So if really lots people click the ads, the richer the person is. Whoaa it a great place to advertise right. Rich just from advertise. Lots of people now spread their advertisement using the internet. Because one single click can make money. Many ads use attractive ads that can play so that people will click it. Its a trick. We will be annoy but they don't care. They just in for the money. 

Advertisement now days have really improved so that people will be more attract to notice it. 
People will attract if less word more creativity and pictures especially billboard ads or on the road. 

You was amaze with this ads right. Its means their ads was effective. If the ads was awesome must be their products is awesome to. That the way their make profit from. If some boring ads means their product not even worth to buy right. 

Its also had advertisement that make videos. Catchy music or slogan on video will of course make people remember their products and buy them. Some ads just for awareness or for donation. They are lots of ads that evolve through time. Some are good and some are not. So just enjoy whatever ads you see and see how the creativity make the advertisement awesome.

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