Tuesday 25 December 2012

Lets talk about ADSVERTISEMENT

Ads sometimes really annoy us especially on Youtube. So tired viewing the same ads on Youtube before can watch what we really want to watch.

But do know once you click the ads, the person who make the ads get money. So if really lots people click the ads, the richer the person is. Whoaa it a great place to advertise right. Rich just from advertise. Lots of people now spread their advertisement using the internet. Because one single click can make money. Many ads use attractive ads that can play so that people will click it. Its a trick. We will be annoy but they don't care. They just in for the money. 

Advertisement now days have really improved so that people will be more attract to notice it. 
People will attract if less word more creativity and pictures especially billboard ads or on the road. 

You was amaze with this ads right. Its means their ads was effective. If the ads was awesome must be their products is awesome to. That the way their make profit from. If some boring ads means their product not even worth to buy right. 

Its also had advertisement that make videos. Catchy music or slogan on video will of course make people remember their products and buy them. Some ads just for awareness or for donation. They are lots of ads that evolve through time. Some are good and some are not. So just enjoy whatever ads you see and see how the creativity make the advertisement awesome.

Saturday 22 December 2012


What is Dadaism. Never heard of it? Dadaism is a post- World War I cultural movement in visual art as well as literature, theater and graphic design. It a protest against the barbarism of the War. The artist of the Dada movement had become disillusioned by art, art history and history in general. They create art in which chance and randomness formed the basis of creation.Dada was a way to express the confusion that was felt by many people as their world destroyed by World War I as their world was turned upside down.

I think is like a joke that deconstruct the art work and its look strange and ridiculous.

 So I think because of Dadaism art. It create a new art themes like Dada Surrealism, Constuctivism, Lettrism, The Beat Poets, Pop- and Op-Art, Conceptual Art, Minimalism and Punk Rock.

Dada Surrealism

Punk Rock

Saturday 15 December 2012

Random Association~

So i learn a new thing that is Random Association is a method to make us generates new ideas. Its provoke the brain by using Random Word so the brain make a reaction. Random mental input makes us think  at different view. So again our brain really good in making connections. Random word sure to make it stimulates. Like my lecture said, if you are naked and alone in a class and you see a trash can. What you gonna do? Wear it and go outside like normal ? Of course people will stare at you weirdly. So random association make ideas that you use the trash can to get someone attention so that someone can give you clothes. Now you get out without being weird.

So lets do an exercise.
What our problem? To make a person stop smoking.
Random words? Traffic Light
What the point you get from traffic light? 
  • Colors 
  • Dirty
  • Metal
  • Sign
Okay lets start the random association 

Colors can indicate how much smoking is dangerous. 

So when you smoke at first time it will be all green. Mean its still okay but when its have reach the yellow. It will be. Beware of your health. Then when red is reach. Danger! Danger! You gonna die.

Metal make it tough to smoke.

So i think the person should wear a metal things like rings that when it detects smoking. It emits very smelly smell terrible than cigarette  smoke.

Dirty can make the person feel 'yucky' to when it try to smoke.

So we put some disgusting dirty taste at the end of the cigarette so when you want to smoke. You will feel the taste that you wont forget.

Sign can make the person scare or remember how its not good to smokes.

So we make the cigarette looks like how you will end if you still smoking. Or when you still smoke some flashes of scary thing come into your mind like this.

So to all smokers. Please stop smoking or things will get serious.

Friday 7 December 2012

Juxtaposition [Part II]

Now it time to hear poems (i think) i made based what on the picture. Enjoy.
Man also cannot be predict
As sometimes their turn to Pestle
Give hit to woman heart as it out of anger
Or sometimes their turn to Mortar
Patiently receive the hit back from woman

Cat is the things
The things that can made me happy 
No matter what sad or bad happen 
A cat is a cure for my happiness
As its was my friends when i was young until now
Accompany me and make me understand their lifestyle
I will forever live in happiness 
When a cat is around

When its melt fast 
It give us pain as the ice cream make our hand dirty
We need to clean it out 
Or you will feel uneasy with the stickiness
It also give pain to teeth 
If you have bad tooth and gum
Ice cream also make pain away
As it a cure for the sadness 
And also after tonsils stones was remove
To make pain at ease

Juxtapostion [ Part I]

What is Juxtaposition? Its  putting two different variable side by side and tadaaaa..Your brain start to interpret data by looking at its comparison, meaning or similarities.Its use for advertisement as when you look at it, you can understand the analogy like metaphor or similes.

So this what I do in class about Juxtaposition.

1. We was given random words.. The left and the right. Then we must pick  3 pairs of numbers. So i pick 07 10 94. Then the random words was shown again but this time it have numbers beside it.

2. So pair the number with the word. See what i got. Kinda funny i think. Then made a sentence from the word we combine.

3. Describe the sentence using visual. ( not really good in drawing btw)

4. Then again draw by using the word I get.

What i learn? I think Juxtaposition is cool as we kinda get unexpected result. It ideas!!

Then I was told to

The poems i made
Then a new animals was born

We was told to combine two animals and that is a epic fail thing because try to think if this was real. This animals cannot even survive. To make new things. Try to think what could happen if it was real.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Lesung Batu a.k.a Mortar & Pestle

So this is the evolution of Mortal & Pestle 

This item is the most fun thing in my childhood and now also. I think it has lot of function like [look at the mind map I made below]

If this become real i will be famous.. MUAHAHAHA~

So i think lots of things we can think out of box how it gonna be use. Just relax and spread your creativity.

This video just for fun. To people want to know how to use Mortal and Pestle can watch this video by Jamie Oliver.