Friday 2 November 2012

Word Of The Weeks : CREATIVITY [Part 1]

What word come up to your brain when you read that creativity word. Give me 5 words. Lets me give example first how its done.


1. Art
Art is really related to creativity. Without creativity there will be no art. There is lots of type of art like lots of way using the creativity.

2. Success
I think people with a success life sure use his creativity.Because creativity sparks innovation and way they use creativity to make their life successful.

Creativity always make people do something new.

To be seeing things and make you feel something need creativity. Like how movies make people cry when the nice guys died. They use creativity to create that scenes.

People that really use their creativity is unique as they will make things become unique. For example to attract people, they will wear something colorful and cheerful so that people will look at them.

to be continue...

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