Saturday 24 November 2012

Fail Innovation-Invention?

Have you try to make something new or develop from something? Have you ever know that not all innovation and invention that have been created but never reach our century. So i will show you some of the 'fail' innovation and invention.

Wow i know why all the things never reach our century. It just  causing 2x possibilities of having lung cancer

I think this is not the best way to bond with your family. Ii think i just can cause injuries or even death!!

What i think is that all the inventors just making this for fun or without thinking consequences of using the invention in daily life. To make a successful invention or innovation, I think we need to think deeply about possibility and try think creatively how to make it be use by all people.  

+ - of Mind Map

 To me mind map is a creative way to make yourself and others to a better understanding and remembering. Mind map also has advantages and disadvantages. Below is simple mind map I done for readers.

Want to know more about mind map. Visit this url.
Tony Buzan is the person who came up with this idea. 

Friday 16 November 2012

Creative People In Past

So who is the first  person who demonstrate the working television. I know you don't know and i will tell you.
This is the person. His name is John Logie Baird. He is a famous Scottish engineer. Let me tell a little background info. He was born on 14 August 1888 in Helensburgh on the west coast of Scotland and a son of a clergyman. He is not very healthy for most of his life, he nonetheless showed early signs of ingenuity, rigging up a telephone exchange to connect his bedroom to his friends across the street. See the creativity. He stucked at his room but he don't want to be left up from his friends.So he find a way to connect with his friends. Then he studies at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College but he was interrupted by the outbreak of  World War One. He was rejected to join the force because of his unfitness making him served as superintendent engineer. Still he never give up and use his creativity through the war. Then when the war was over, he set himself up in business,with mixed result.

When he moved  to England, he applied himself to create a television, a dream of many scientists for decades. His first crude apparatus was made of odds and ends, but by 1924 he managed to transmit a flickering images across a few feet. Lets watch this video because i know you all are boring with words and need some moving images.

So what i'm trying to say is that John Logie Baird have the traits to be a creative person. He express himself through environment that not really  like us. He try and use his mind creatively to solve his problem. He undergo from try and error and does not give up. At last he made it. He become famous from his own creation. I think that creative people will not give up as we can still think  a good outcome. 

oh creative people :)

Sunday 11 November 2012

To Be Creative

Creative is some thing that cannot be taught directly but something you can make it rise slowly like bubbles. So I want to give a little tips how to be creative. I mean to be more creative.

1. Try to have small quantity of tools. It is because it make you think how could you use your tools into others. It makes you more faster than someone that merely dabbles with large sets of tools. Learn to be more resourceful. It challenge yourself to think wider. Example : If you a painters, just have primary color so you can think and create other colors.

2. Having a routine that makes you more positive and creative. For example : be a adult but act like a kid. Kid are a creative creature. They are creative because they tend to learn new thing. They do everything to know everything. But don't go and be real kid until you go to jail. That wrong. You use your intelligence as a adult. Get your inner playfulness into the world.

3. Don't be so perfectionist. People tend to make their works so perfect so others can see them perfect. To me, there's no one perfect. Mistake sometime make it more creative. It just how you think about it. How you try to make others see it piece of your art.

So there a bit tips. But how to stay creative person. Watch this video below.
So need some motivational? Watch the next video below.

Friday 9 November 2012

Process Of Invention and Innovation

-Innovation based on Wikipedia :  development of new customers value through solutions that meet new needs, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market needs in new ways
-Invention based on Wikipedia :  an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an object or a result

From A to B then C and lasted to Z. Invention and innovation will always happen. People innovate things then it was invent. Like Tablet. The origins is the computer then it was innovate to be more easier for people to use. And then tablet was born. People keep innovate things for other people. Other people will invent it to be more amazing. It will keeps coming. People in this world will buy it and use it for fun or work. Things in the back will never been same in the front anymore because people keep innovate and invent things.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Word Of The Weeks : CREATIVITY [Part ||]

So the  last part was about words associated with creativity but now how about words that unrelated to creativity.


1. Old
People that get old fast don't have creativity. Some people look old physically but inside they still young inside because they use creativity. Old inside and outside. NOT CREATIVE

2. Usual
Same styles of hair everyday, same breakfast everyday , everything is like usual typical day. No creativity use.
Bread everyday

3. Gay
Men in love with men? Why oh why. Its not even creative. Its so wrong in many way.
Opss. Wrong images XD

4. Douchebag
Really. A person like this really annoy people a lot. Their non creativity thinking just give sympathy to people to friends with them. Without creativity, people cannot think right.

5. Bully
It not a way to express self. It just not using creativity on how to express in the nice way.

Friday 2 November 2012

Word Of The Weeks : CREATIVITY [Part 1]

What word come up to your brain when you read that creativity word. Give me 5 words. Lets me give example first how its done.


1. Art
Art is really related to creativity. Without creativity there will be no art. There is lots of type of art like lots of way using the creativity.

2. Success
I think people with a success life sure use his creativity.Because creativity sparks innovation and way they use creativity to make their life successful.

Creativity always make people do something new.

To be seeing things and make you feel something need creativity. Like how movies make people cry when the nice guys died. They use creativity to create that scenes.

People that really use their creativity is unique as they will make things become unique. For example to attract people, they will wear something colorful and cheerful so that people will look at them.

to be continue...

Thursday 1 November 2012

Creativity can be killed??

The truth is I really don't understand. But after doing some research here and there. I understand what the point he try to make people realise. Creativity is important and some school just kill children creativity. Because of the strict education, non-stop reading things and making children thinks doing art is like criminal. It true if children make drawing at wall is call vandalism but they just trying to express their creativity. If school give their chance to express creativity and balance the education. I think they will come out to be successful. Without creativity, understanding education is so boring and cannot be understand. Example : Children make mind map what they learn. With their creativity, the mind map will be colorful and they can understand it perfectly.

Mind map : express yourself to make you understand