Thursday 25 October 2012

OMG! A Mystery Object * Challenge Accepted*

So what is this mystery item really. I feel like i have seen it but 404. Memory not found. So my lecture said it can be anything, so in 1, 2, 3..I imagine it to be...

  • Useful during flat tyre. It can be use like a lug wrench to loosen up and tighten up the lug nuts on the tyre. It really light and can be bring anywhere you want. It easy to use. No extra energy needed. You can change your tyre in no time.

  • It fun for kids to as it use to play with Play-doh. The flat area can be use to flat the Play-doh and the round one can make shape to the Play-doh. It so fun. Right kids. It The cheerful color really make it great to be a children toys.

Thanks to Google~

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Titanic!! Why You Hit Iceberg!!


          When I say Titanic, what come first into your mind? The famous Titanic movie featuring the charming Leornardo DiCaprio or the beautiful Kate Winslet? Do you know that Titanic  is based on a real accident? Of course you know right. BUT do you know what the reason the Titanic sunk into the ocean? 

         So now I will tell you a couple of reason based on what I heard from my friend and through my readings. 

1. The Material Used To Build The Titanic

They said it was the most modern ship during that time. However, because of the material used to construct the Titanic have low quality, down straight the Titanic goes to the bottom of the sea. The poorly cast wrought-iron rivets caused the steel plates on the hull to come apart. It was equip by hand at the front and rear fifths of the Titanic. The lab test of the rivets said that it contain high concentration of impurities known as "slag"  that cannot withstand pressure making the hull easy to fall off.  

2 Ignoring The Warning

Capt. Edward J. Smith receives all the iceberg warning, but I think because  he feel the Titanic was the greatest  and he can make it through, 1,502 people died. When the incident starts, he scared to be embarrass by other capt. and does not send message to 4 ship that near to them.   When they send message, it was not very clear message and by the third one it was to late and other ships were to far from them.

Capt. Edward J. Smith

3. God Is Powerful 

During the party before launching the Titanic, Capt.Edward J. Smith was to proud and ego telling  people that even God cannot sink Titanic. He challenge The Mighty God and although Titanic means have a great strength, it just take less than 3 hours to be sank into the ocean.

The tragedy of the Titanic give lots of lesson to human life. 

The CGI Of How Titanic Sank 
Laugh :D